It's probably a little sad that the highlight of my
day is when the mail arrives. I love hearing the chink of the slot opening, the thud of the mail falling within. It usually makes the cat go a little bit crazy too.
Today I had a lot to send out! Swaps, mostly, and a few replies to swaps already recieved. I like replying to every swap I get that has a return address on it. Not necessary, perhaps, but fun, and I figure that those on the recieving end won't mind as they wouldn't be on Swap-Bot if they didn't like getting mail! I sent out a few replies in home made envelopes, and Haiku postcards. The haikus are terrible, but the postcards are pretty nice.
I got a great return in the inbox too! Two poem swaps, two postcards, and a pen pal letter with a lot of extra goodies, and a list of 25 random things about the sender. It was a lot of fun to read through! This is why I get excited about the mail.
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